Join us sundays at 9:30 AM FOR OUR PRAISE & WORSHIP SERVICE

Simply put, the Community Church of Kamrar loves children!

If you are at all interested in participating, volunteering, learning how you can better pray for our children's ministries or learning more information, please contact the church office at 515-539-4348.

Sunday School

Community Church of Kamrar has a wide range of Sunday School classes for 3 year olds through adults! We offer various classes for our children where they learn about God and His Son Jesus Christ in age-appropriate ways! Sunday School classes run from the Sunday after Labor Day through the month of May. 

Our Pre-K and 6th grade students will be using Answers in Genesis. Answers Bible Curriculum brings the Bible to life! This exciting curriculum covers the whole Bible chronologically in four years. ABC provides a powerful overview of God's Word and answers the important questions that confront both adults and children in the church. 

children singing

Kids Alive!

Kids Alive meets Wednesday afternoons from October through March, immediately after school (4 pm to 5:30 pm) and includes students in grades K-6. Each time we meet, children are able to enjoy an interactive Bible lesson, craft, games and an after school snack! 

There will be a church van at South Hamilton Elementary so kids have a ride to Kids Alive. Meet Mrs. Flatebo outside of the elementary office at dismissal.  The Kamrar bus from Northeast Hamilton will drop students off at the church.  If you need a ride from any other location, please contact youth director, Phil Jass at 641-373-0379 or the church office at 515-539-4348.

Parents pick up kids at 5:30 at the church.  On the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, there is also a free family meal for the entire family at 5:30.

If you are interested in having your child(ren) come to Kids Alive, we ask that you would fill out this brief Emergency Contact Sheet so that we are able to contact a parent/guardian in case of an emergency.

Vacation Bible School

Community Church is blessed to be able to offer a 5 day "full day" Vacation Bible School. Our 2024 session is from June 3 through June 7. The Monday thru Thursday schedule is from 9 am until 3 pm (preschool children need to be picked up at 12:15 pm). Friday's schedule is 9 am until 2 pm. Friday night is the closing program with a free family meal served at 5:30pm and the program to follow at 7pm.

Sack lunches are needed daily for K-6th grades. On Friday hot dogs and s’mores are provided for lunch, but your child may bring drink & chips, if desired.

Transportation is provided morning and afternoons to/from the towns of Kamrar, Webster City, Alden, Blairsburg, Williams, Jewell & Stanhope. If your kids need transportation and your town is not listed, please contact us.  We might be able to find a volunteer to help.  (Ellsworth and Randall, etc will be available if requested)

Pre-K through 6th grade classes are offered (VBS classes are based on the grade just finished this year, NOT the grade students will be in in the Fall). The kids will spend the day learning their Bible lessons, singing fun music, listening to mission representatives,  making creative crafts and burning off energy at games and recess!

We are so thankful for all of our church and community volunteers that give their time, resources, monetary contributions and prayer to help us put on an awesome VBS each year!

Our 2024 theme is "Camp Firelight"

Theme Verse: "Whenever I'm afraid, I put my trust in you."  Psalm 56:3

If you'd like to register a child for VBS, please fill out and submit this form.  Thank you!  We look forward to seeing lots of kids in June!  You can also use this form to volunteer.  We need lots of volunteers age 7th grade through adult.

**Click on the words, "this form" is the paragraph above to go to the form**