2025 VBS dates have been set! June 9-13, 2025.
Much of the information from 2024 will apply to 2025. We will update this page when we determine the theme for 2025. All will be invited for 2025!!!!!! Reserve June 9-13 on your calendars for a fun week of VBS!
Vacation Bible School
Camp Firelight -- VBS to be held June 3-7, 2024
Community Church is blessed to be able to offer a 5 day "full day" Vacation Bible School. Our 2024 session is from June 3 through June 7. The Monday thru Thursday schedule is from 9 am until 3 pm (preschool children need to be picked up at 12:15 pm). Friday's schedule is 9 am until 2 pm. Friday night is the closing program with a free family meal served at 5:30pm and the program to follow at 7pm.
Sack lunches are needed Monday through Thursday for K-6th grades (preschool does not need a lunch). On Friday hot dogs and s’mores are provided for everyone (including preschool) at lunch, but your child may bring drink & chips, if desired.
Transportation is provided morning and afternoon to/from the towns of Kamrar, Webster City, Blairsburg, Williams, Alden, Jewell & Stanhope. If your kids need transportation and your town is not listed, please contact us. We will try to find a volunteer who can help. (Ellsworth or Randall, etc can be arranged as needed)
Pre-K through 6th grade classes are offered (VBS classes are based on the grade just finished this year, NOT the grade students will be in in the Fall). The kids will spend the day learning their Bible lessons, singing fun music, listening to mission representatives, making creative crafts and burning off energy at games and recess!
We are so thankful for all of our church and community volunteers that give their time, resources, monetary contributions and prayer to help us put on an awesome VBS each year!
If you'd like to register a child for VBS, please fill out and submit this form. Don't forget to use the grade just finished in spring 2024. Thank you! We look forward to seeing lots of kids in June! You can also use this form to volunteer. We need lots of volunteers ages 7th grade through adult.
***Click on the words "this form" in this paragraph above to go to the form.**
https://fb.watch/lAe3eDrqIV/h Click this link for a recap of 2023 "Stellar" VBS!