Thanks for your interest in our church! We want to welcome you and let you know that we are here to serve you. If you decide to visit, here are a few things that you can expect when you walk through our doors.
We are an Apostolic Church
We confess the historic faith of the apostles, which unapologetically proclaims God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We are a Reformed Church
We proclaim that "justification is by grace alone, through faith alone".
We are an Evangelical Church
We characterize a strong emphasis on Biblical authority, the absolute necessity of New Birth in Jesus Christ, Christ's mandate to evangelize the world, and the continuing need for education and training in the Christian faith.
We are a Biblical Church
We affirm that nothing has validity in the area of faith and doctrine, unless it is in accord with Scripture.
Questions & Answers
If you do not see your question answered here, feel free to call the church office and let us know how we can serve you.
What should I wear if I visit your church?
We want you to come just as you are. There is no dress code, so wear whatever you like. Most people wear what makes them comfortable. We have people attending in everything from jean shorts and flip-flops to suits and dresses depending on the day and the age of the attendee.
What do you do during your worship service?
After a welcome and scripture passage from our pastor, we start off with singing some praise & worship songs. We have an offering and sing a couple of traditional hymns. Our pastor will ask for prayer concerns and praises and offer a prayer of praise, thanksgiving and petition. You will also hear a sermon direct from the Bible.
What type of music do you have during the service?
We enjoy all types of music, so we include a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary choruses led by various groups of worship teams. We sometimes use guitars, keyboard and other instruments for worship, but we also have a beautiful grand piano and organ that are used at each service. Our desire is to minister to as many different people as possible with music that speaks to their heart and ministers to their soul.
Will there be instruction for young children?
Yes. Jesus wanted all of the children to come to Him, and we feel the same way about your kids. Our hope is that your young ones will sing and pray right along with the rest of us. We offer an infant nursery as well as a toddler nursery at each church service, but all children are welcome to stay in the service.
Will you ask me to give you any money?
We never ask anyone to give money. Because God has given us all that we have, many people want to give and help support our church. So, we provide a time during the service for them to do so. God has blessed us throughout the years, and he always provides for our needs.